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Holistic Development

Pacific Brook is committed to your child’s all-round development. Pacific Brook has a number of co-curricular options. Our Creative Arts co-curricular activities include violin and guitar lessons. As Sporting co-curricular activities, we offer Basketball and Touch Footy. Students gain rich experiences in-class and at external events that help build their character and develop their ‘soft skills’. These tailored opportunities cater for diverse age groups and personality styles within our student body.

Music students performing a music piece on the violin, showcasing their musical talents and dedication
Junior school students reading in the library and browsing the shelves

PacBrook Quiet Space and Learning Enrichment

Creative Retreat

In addition to outdoor activities that students enjoy, Pacific Brook provides for the needs of students who appreciate a serene zone to enjoy activities. Our PacBrook Quiet Space allows students to retreat during break times and enjoy boosted learning with reading, playing boardgames and being creative with colouring in and drawing.

Reading Challenge

To enrich learning, Pacific Brook offers the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) for students in years K-10. The Challenge fosters the love of reading opens their world to quality literature. Rather than it being contest-based, the challenge invites students to develop the love of reading by reading more stories and reading wider.

Your child can also excel in the various in-class co-curricular activities.

Outdoor Education Activities

Outdoor Education activities are an important part of learning and development as well as being extracurricular opportunities for our students. Spending time in God’s creation, gaining cultural awareness, growing in interpersonal relationship skills and developing leadership abilities are all part of outdoor extracurricular education engagement.

Central to our Outdoor Education program are annual school camps. Stage 2-stage 6 students all participate in our school camps as a compulsory activity. Students explore outdoor activities, learn new skills, establish social bonds, learn to take responsibility, and they encounter new and exciting experiences.


Teacher and students gathered around a table taking part in outdoor learning and spiritual growth

Creativity and Culture

God created culture for all people to share and enjoy. Being made in God’s image means your child is capable of imagination, creative expression, and participation in diverse cultures. Pacific Brook nurtures creativity and culture through in-school, inter-school and external excursions fostering student’s growth academically and experientially. Our violin and guitar classes are popular extra-curricular creative offerings.

Inter-school Excursions

Visits to schools in the Pacific Group of Christian to enjoy creative arts expression such as school musicals.

Cultural incursions

Local Aboriginal infusion programs including Indigenous dance.

Extracurricular Excursions

Rich extracurricular experiences at local festivals, musicals, and exposure to career opportunities.


Is your child naturally sporty? Would they like to engage a higher level of competitive sports? Pacific Brook values sporting talent and offers opportunities for students who want to pursue their sport to compete at off-campus sporting events at local, regional and state levels. Zone and state competitions include cross-country, athletics and swimming.